Welcome to the Backyard Bass Community!

What is Backyard Bass?

Make learning to cast fun!

Backyard Bass are plastic casting targets shaped like fish. They are designed to make learning to cast fun and easy. Place the fish on any smooth, flat surface or on the water (the fish do float) and cast for them with the Casting Plug. With a good cast, you can catch one of the fish and reel it in.

How Does it Work?

There are 3 easy steps to casting with the Backyard Bass

Step #1: Place the Bass on the Ground

Most any flat surface will work…a patio, pavement, grass or even a gym floor. The Backyard Bass even float and can be used on the water!

How do People Use It?

Playing with the Backyard Bass

Single Player Suggestions

Place each Backyard Bass at a different distance away from you. See how long it takes you to reel them all in by casting for the fish. Assign points to the different colors and see how many points you can accumulate in ten minutes of casting.

Backyard Bass Purchasing Options

Backyard Bass Starter Set

  • Sold in sets of 3 fish & 2 casting plugs
  • For students of all ages
  • Easy and fun


Backyard Bass Angler Education Set

  • 16 fish & 20 casting plugs
  • For students of all ages
  • Easy and fun


Backyard Bass Fish

  • Mix of 4 colors
  • Volume Discounts Available
  • Casting Plugs Sold Separately


Backyard Bass Casting Plugs

  • Size: 1″ x 1/2″ x 2 1/2″
  • Weight: 0.3 oz.
  • Volume Discounts Available



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“…Backyard Bass games were a big hit and was instrumental in achieving our goal. We had 308 kids who came to participate in our event. We had great weather conditions and the kids were smiling all day long.”


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“Backyard Bass are the perfect lead-up casting activity for my Angling unit. they are a great instructional tool for teaching fish identification as well as being a great target for casting practice. My high school students enjoy the indoor Backyard Bass tournaments as much as the real thing out on the water sometimes.”


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“Backyard Bass are a mainstay of our angling skills portionof our Project FISH curriculum. We have been using Backyard Bass for 13 years and have thrilled learners with the excitement they provide. Whether on a lawn, in a gym or pool or lake (yes, they float, as do the castin gplugs) this is a valuable resource for aquatic educators. We use them for fish ID, and Learning Regulations. Simply use a permanent marker and put a fish species and size on the bottom and have the angler look it up in thh fishing regulations to see if they can keep it. Fun stuff folks.”


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“Thanks for getting the backyard bass to me so quickly. I was planning to use them for cub scouts. They were a big hit, I used them with one group of boys but all the boys wanted to come have a try. Going to use them at a family reunion too this summer. I would suggest that you are going to order the backyard bass to get the big kit, it is nice to have several poles practicing at once.”


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“If you’re looking for a great way to practice your skills, teach a kid the basics of casting without leaving the driveway or the greatest birthday party game ever, then look no further than Backyard Bass. I am a huge supporter of teaching kids of all ages about the outdoors.”

~The Pond Pro

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Place the bass on the ground. Most any flat surface will work…a patio, pavement, grass or even a gym floor. The Backyard Bass can even float and be used on the water!
  • Step a comfortable distance from your fish and cast the plug just past the fish you want to catch.
  • Catch one of the fish and reel it in! Just like real fishing!


Single Player Suggestions:

  • Place each Backyard Bass at different distances from you. See how long it takes you to reel them all in. Assign points to the different colors and see how many points you can accumulate in ten minutes of casting.

Two or Three Player Suggestions:

  • B-A-S-S: The Backyard Bass are placed around the yard and players take turns trying to catch a fish. When one player catches a fish the other players try to catch the fish from the same location in one cast. If the other players don’t catch the fish they each get a B. Players take turns casting for fish until one player gets all the letters to spell B-A-S-S. The player at the end with the fewest letters wins.
  • Fishing Derby: Players can assign point values to each color fish. They place the Backyard Bass around the casting area and begin casting for them. The player with the most points at the end of 5 minutes wins.
  • Race: Place the Backyard Bass equal distance from each player. The first player to reel in a fish wins.
  • Take it a step further: Stick images of local fish with measurements on the back of each Backyard Bass. Students can then identify what they’ve caught. Is it a keeper?

The Backyard Bass are molded in the USA using Polypropylene resin.

Yes, they do float so can be used in ponds or swimming pools.

Most youth or adult rods will work. A spin-cast reel is best for teaching kids to cast.

    phone: 800-261-1330
    fax: 503-968-1433
    Write to:
    Ironwood Pacific Outdoors, Inc.
    7291 SW Tech Center Dr
    Tigard, OR 97223
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